Stats Page Added
Posted by Rebel Rabbit on 04/07/21 at 14:41:22
New page added:
NHS/Government/ONS Stats. These stats are where I get a lot of the figures for my spreadsheets.
New page added:
NHS/Government/ONS Stats. These stats are where I get a lot of the figures for my spreadsheets.
I've added two new pages:
Yellow Card Reporting: all about the Governments Yellow Card scheme, and MHRA FOI - Vaccine deaths from 2010-2020 for new vaccines: comparing the Covid-19 vaccine deaths to some previous vaccine death totals.
Here it is, the new design for REBELRABBIT.UK! I've got all the videos up, and some useful links for Template Letters and Legal And Useful Sites.
In the coming days and weeks, I will be adding more useful pages, including statistics, graphs and my spreadsheets from the Yellow Card data.
If you have any good links or suggestions, email me at: